Thursday, September 22, 2011

Getting Along With People

10 Suggestions for getting along better with people.

  1. Guard your tongue.  Say less than you think.
  2. Make promises sparingly. But keep them faithfully.
  3. Never let an opportunity pass by to say a kind word.
  4. Be interested in others, their pursuits, work, and family.
  5. Be cheerful.  Don't dwell on minor aches and small disappointments.
  6. Keep an open mind. Discuss but don't argue.
  7. Discourage gossip.  It is destructive.  Never talk bad against anyone behind his back.
  8. Be careful of other's feelings.
  9. Pay no attention to ill-natured remarks about you. Live in such a way that nobody will believe them.
  10. Don't be anxious about getting credit.  Just do your best and be patient.

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