Monday, August 30, 2004


There's a phrase I've heard that rings very true to
me: God has all the help we need.

Which is to say that all the insight, all the power,
all the strength, all the patience, all the anything that we really need
is available to us. Indeed, God does have all the help that we need.

And to illustrate and amplify this, I'm going to
tell a story that is my trademark story.
On several occasions I have met
people that don't recognize me,
and then all of a sudden-- "Oh, oh, oh!" and
they'll mention they'd heard that story.

It was a turning point for me. It happened on the
17th of July in the year 1983. I was on vacation
on a little island in Maine. That was the first
summer my younger son had a boat. He had allowed me
to use his boat that day if I would pick him up
from work that night. He was working a late shift at
the Portland Yacht Club as a launch operator. If you
know how yacht clubs work,
people keep their boats on moorings and there
is a boat service back and forth,
usually piloted by teenagers like my son.

At eight-thirty I stepped out the back door of the
cottage and stopped dead in my tracks. I was in the midst of the most
unbelievably beautiful sunset I had ever seen or have seen since. It was
extraordinary. There wasn't a cloud in the sky.
The sun had gone over the White Mountains, eighty miles away,
and we had the reflected glory of the color, and
that night was gold. As we know, the water always
reflects the color of the sky, and the sea of the bay
that night was pure gold.

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